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Monday, June 22, 2009

wow april second last post, that's just amazing!

my blog's pretty devoid of pics. sigh... i still dunno how to overcome tt lazy barrier and post stuff online XD

anyhow, hols almost up T.T and my studies are still in the midst of nada nada XD still takin to em games and stuff.

however, lookin forward to going back n meeting ppl i actually know XD hols was pretty interestin, and tomorrow i have to wake up at 4.30 pm PDT, according to LA timezones, just so i can attend an event. so ima goin for breakfast arounf 5, hitting the server arnd 6 XD gonna be so screwed by my parents if they found out, esp the one sufferin from PMS ><

oh yeah, i finally got round to using a table tennis table down under my block. it's actually quite fun, and i have no idea how much i actually sucked when i played sometime in j1, with some classmate (the lunchdates havent been repaid XD) guess i could play sometime XD

all in all, pretty interesting holiday, did many whim stuffs, meaning i just thought of it and spammed a good luck charm. wait till you guys see what i did to my chemistry revision guide XD
short of burning it, i guess it's a really weird idea =P

awright, guess i goin blog hoppin now XD what a time =P
nitex all, sweetest dreamx XD

Time Of Death* 1:14 AM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

haha~! and i am back after a whole VERY messy week =P

first up~ kahang was great, but it was such a controlled camp! imagine going overseas and camping in someone's backyard! with a kitchen, facilities and even provided shoes =X

but yeah, overall it was great. met some old pals that i've not contacted since PAE~ go Ben 10~ =p

A divisions~! omg la. i picked up Sabre about what, 2 months ago? loved it cause the gameplay was so technical. priority and such helped supervise the play to an extent that was so fun~

anyway, main point is, i squeezed into the elimination round from the round robins. simply because my hits scored was 16. in truth, i had mixed feelings. i wasn't sure of myself during the round robins, and i should have done much better. feels like i let afew people down, but i can definately feel a huge difference in the performance from selangor to here.

well, with 3 nat team fencers and another few uber strong fencers, we managed to win the male challenge cup, as well as some other trophies. and for that we all had to hit the stage and shake brother paul's hand. here's what ran through my head:

this is probably the only time i'll be doing this. lets make it memorable. moonwalk up to him and do some wierd handshake! nah... that'll need his co-operation~ ok pretend to shake then make a face!

and so i did it. in front of the whole freaking school. roy roy, attention seeking boy =PP haha nolah, just didnt want to regret not doing it =D

sighs~ school has started for 2 weeks now, and i'm seriously lagging behind =D so much work left! happy school days everyone~!


Time Of Death* 10:23 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009

what is a dream if it's not achieved by oneself?
what is an ideal if it's not done by thyself?

just back from selangor open... it was rather devastating
first up, i fenced ok, but ended up losing due to my slipping form.
through a matter, you're supposed to improved, mine was a downhill slide.

thing is, even though i dont receive much recognition, i stillneed someone to be there for me.
i cant see my mistakes, and i hate the blind feeling that it gives.
so please. dont lead me on a wild goose chase. it might hurt more than it was supposed to.

with that over, toradora was amazing. (as usual)
although the plot now starts to fufill the requirements, the way the entire plot went was really good.
we should always aim for what we want, and never give up our dreams, no matter for what reasons.
sometimes, it doesnt help.

and even after saying all that, i'm not sure if i brought out the true essence of the plot.
the feeling that it gives trancends words. i cant express it cause i'm probably too amazed.

well anyway, it's been eventful, common test, selangor open, kahang (soon to be)
we'll play it by ear XD

signing off with a kick and a bow,

Time Of Death* 11:42 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

ahh... so long never post XD

laptop gone abit hard la. but things are happening for a reason i guess
because of a recent chain of events, (all are omg so suay)
ive actually started to place more importance in studies.
taking them out by myself, it's an amazing feeling actually XD

next, toradora!
wanted to blog about it since before i was born (metaphor)
it features such an eccentric romance, so that even though you know the main characters have their own chosen ones, i really want them to be together... a perfect couple, a perfect friendship.
yet it sports so many problems...
it's just so ultimately cool XD
and taiga's personality is... well... extremely rare to find the current setting of the world.
well, ryuuji's special too, in fact his devotion is amazing.
so overall, for a fantastic story of life's happenings and how friends can stand so close to each other, watch -> TORADORA!

haha, i'm on the last song on my list XD done some homework and such...
school has officially gone into full swing with the start of today.
lets go towards the finals together, regardless whether you're taking the exams or not.
if if you're not in the same class, or the same vicinity, as long as your goals are the same, you are friends, brothers with the same aspirations!

oh yeah chanbara. sports chanbara seems to be one of the latest things on my mind.
think of japanese swords, but change them into safe foam weapons.
that's how you get chanbara. the style of play is really fast pace reaction based blade action
the first to hit scores. that's just the theory of life isn't it?
well anyway, it's a martial art, and it's not that ex. might take it up XD who knows?

well time to sleep then.
good night everyone!
little tiger! circular measure!

Time Of Death* 11:17 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CARNIVORE~! omg la. the brazillian restaurant that serves only meat.

we went there on a celebratory note, even though i didn't have much to celebrate it was to be an experience with friends =D
so anyway, 45bucks ++ for a single buffet. and holy it was crazy.
starters included medium beef strips and chicken. then came lamb and ham. then sausages. then a medium raw steak, bacon, fish, and lots and lots...
so we started off strong, but by the end... we. were. screwed. big time man.

so lesson learnt. DO NOT bring a date there. XD but it's an experience to try. the food there is delicious =D

next up, i'm moving from epee to sabre for the A-divisions. that realy sucks. i've been doing the epee for a whole recent half a year. sure, i havent performed, and rarely showed for training for a period of time, but...

it feels like i've been pulled from my roots, removed from my fight without it actually being over... oh well, i've come to terms with it. at least i can try to be good at another thing. i shall return to the epee after the competitions are over. at least something new XD

schools started. lappy confiscated.. it can't get worse, so it can only gaet better =D

homework's getting done at least, sure there's still much i don't know how to do, but the entire class is willing to help. XD

overall, life's been good too me (too full)
here's wishing all my friends, including the upcoming j1 students, a happy and fulfilling life!
my liege, rest well tonight, for thou shalt face thee's challenge once more.

Time Of Death* 10:38 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009


learnt a few life lessons today (sort of)

first up, today i was told that i think too much!
that's when i'm fencing.
haha~ some fencers told me that i needed to relax
and to just fence according to my skill.

and... truth is, when you acknowledge your own level and take steps to attain improvement, one can indeed pursue a great improvement...
i seem to work better when there is someone giving me advise.
all i need to do is execute! but with my own flair

so thanks to all those who told me how i wronged others, those who gave pointers on how to conduct myself.
it has indeed made my life alot better XD

also, i never knew how'd a guy n gal would feel when their relationship was always referred to in the public.
sensitive and cute guys would end up being seriously affected by the constant mention =P
so we must be careful about what we say to others =P

yupps... tired out...
sleeping time XD

just so long... as you stand... stand by me~!

Time Of Death* 12:20 AM

Monday, January 12, 2009


school's reopened... and i've started it on a bad note....

first of all...
all i wanted was to be there for you...
and i had to tell you something...
something that ruined your day...

i was a tactless inconsiderate complete jerk.
and i really wanna make up to you for this, but i don't know how...
anyway i try i seem to face the risk of hurting you further...

anyhow... tonight... maybe things might change...
maybe... but i still yearn to put a smile on your face...

a friend. a true friend. it's all i want to be.
yet there forever is an invisible wall between us...
i have no idea how i can make you comfortable.
how to comfort you when you're down, how to bring up certain things.
even more clueless as to you yourself...

call myself a friend? more like a meddling bystander trying to interfere with someone's life.

here i solemnly pray.
pray for thee to find thy happiness
find thy hope and faith
pray thee find it, and treasure it
and wish that thy can join in your quest
on the stairways to thine light.

i'm not giving up. i'm not going to brood over this.
what's done is done. and i must continue to try~!

once for the night. i wish thee good night.
may you smile once more. just for your sake, mayhap for mine


Time Of Death* 10:12 PM

The Remnant

Knight of Soltice
Benign of Self


my most beloved treasure




Create your own Friend Test here


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heaven in piece
Sandra For the efficient troubleshooting~! rusticharm For the overall design~!